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Join me in figuring out "what now?"

Too Funny Not to Share

on 6 April, 2014

Last night, the Kid was trying to fix his high dollar game playing mouse when a piece sprang from its housing and landed somewhere on the kitchen floor. Things got very quiet and I thought he had left the room (the couch faces away from the kitchen). Suddenly a burst from him startled me… he was still in there and getting very frustrated. So I opted to help him look. We were down on hands and knees looking for this miniature part, even moved the stove and ‘fridge looking for it. Seeing his frustration building, I offered to re-buy the same mouse (or better one if the old was not available) and he finally gave up and went up to his room.

A few minutes later, this appeared in my InBox attached to an email, Subject: Wow: Important Study on Falls!:

Important study on fallsAt first I was puzzled, then when it dawned on me, laughed so loud! How that Kid’s mind works.

Oh, and about an hour later, he shouted down that he had found the piece, it hadn’t actually left the mouse body, but had become imbedded in the housing itself.

Man, that Kid is so much like his mom! I guess that apple didn’t fall far from the tree!


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